I don’t often like resolutions because life is messy. Indeed, we are all shaped by histories, systems, and stories that we are constantly negotiating, resisting, deconstructing and reconstructing. Nonetheless I hope the stories I tell can compel us to examine life in a new way. That’s what I try to do in my public scholarship as I take my academic training as a historian and apply it to the world that surrounds us. Over the years I’ve done this by writing for Latino Rebels, Truthout, Open Plaza, Christian Century, and many other publications. I’ve also done this through public reflection on twitter (where many of my publications start germinating) and participating in podcasts and radio interviews. My hope is to continue writing in a public facing way in the future. 

To share histories that are often silenced, frameworks that are relevant, and stories that speak to community, journey, head, and heart. 

I want to invite people to see the world differently through my writing. 

If there’s a piece you’d like me to work on or a podcast/show you’d like me to participate in, please let me know! I would love to collaborate.